Saturday, January 20, 2007


朋友喊工作, 家庭及生活壓力大,希望少煩惱,多些快樂。曾經看過一遍文章道出怎樣把快樂帶回家,望與不快樂一族分享。故事大概如下:


最終,太太帶笑地說:「有一次回家時,在電梯的鏡子裏看見自已一張困倦灰暗及煩惱的臉 ……實在嚇了一跳。心想孩子及丈夫面對這個愁眉苦臉會有什麼感覺?假如我的丈夫孩子亦同樣冷淡沈默,我又會有什麼感受?… 第二天,我寫了一塊木牌釘在門外,決心以此來提醒自己把快樂帶回家。 結果,這不只提醒了我,也感染了我的家人及到訪的朋友,大家學會放下煩惱,開開心心的渡過每一天…」




Naive said...

Chow Chow, your blog is really cheerful and encourages me a lot. I think I should spend time to study and feel it.

Yes, at least someone can put down depression and dispatch happiness, decorate anyone with beautiful life, the world will be more peace. Thanks you make me peace.
Love from Eva.

chow chow said...

Dear Eva,

I'm glad that you like my blog. Great encouragement!!

We all understand that life is full of ups and downs, “to be or not to be”, happiness and sorrows, love and hatred, …

It is perhaps only we can learn how to “let go” of things and people, then we are able to see a different world around us.

I bet everyone, including me of course, has gone through pain with tears and it is only we forgive ourselves and others that we can free our hearts and let inner peace and happiness to embrace us.

It's a life-learning journey, I would say, but let’s lean on each other at times of life challenges.

Love from chow chow

Anonymous said...

Do you think really is really man made ?
Sometimes I feel you are religious.

Anonymous said...

Do you think really is really man made ?
Sometimes I feel you are religious.