Sunday, May 27, 2007

Health Quote

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.
By Anthony Robbins


二流程式分析員 said...

But how the measure energy level?

chow chow said...


Thank you for asking. Since energy level reflects conditions of our physical body, emotional body, mental body as well as our spiritual body. It is therefore we can judge ourselves through the conditions of the various "us".

Do you get sick easily? Are you a person of moods? Can you think positively even at life's challenges? Do you often feel peaceful and calm? All these will provide answers about your conditions or your energy level! Hope it explains well.

二流程式分析員 said...

According to u, my energy level is very low....

chow chow said...

well, it is more important to understand where you are and get improvement. By accepting your conditions, it also facilitates the change process. Good luck, friend :-)